Who We Are?

What is Blood Feud?

Blood feud is a medieval phenomenon which is still present in Albania for more than 500 years, since the Ottoman Empire. The law of blood feud is: “To commit a murder for another murdered person”.

If a person is murdered, all the males of the murder’s tribe will be isolated at home, because the relatives of the murdered person will make revenge killing any men that they will find in the streets, no matter whether he is guilty or not. There are two characteristics that would make a person a target of blood feud revenge: 1. to be a male and 2. To be family member of the same bloodline of the first murderer. This is a phenomenon that walks on two crutches; honor and shame. It is based on Deuteronomy 21:24 that says: “An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth”, Blood must be payed with blood.

No to blood feud- Yes to life Foundation is founded on 4 October 2011, in order to fight against blood feud phenomenon, giving physical, psychological and spiritual support to the isolated families which are affected by it.
To fight against blood feud, trusting that forgiveness will overcome hatred, peace will overcome revenge, and life will defeat death. To break the chains that the Eagles will soar free.
Resolution of conflicts and reconciliation of disagreements which have the murder as a consequence. Mediation for the reconciliation of families in blood feud bringing them out of isolation.


Vision & Mission

To fight against blood feud, trusting that forgiveness will overcome hatred, peace will overcome revenge, and life will defeat death. To break the chains that the Eagles will soar free.