Winter Project
The winter in this town is a difficult season with a lack of heating facilities and less employment opportunities.
Every year through this project, we aim to help and facilitate the life of isolated families because of blood feud and many other families in need. Families which suffer extreme poverty as the head of the family is unable to work because of the threat posed as a target of revenge if he goes out of the walls of his house. Also, we consider the need of the vulnerable families where the widows raise orphan children because their husbands are killed or for other reasons they are not living with their family. As well as families which are identified by the local government as target groups that live in extreme poverty, or families who moved from the remote mountain areas and settled in the suburbs of the city for a better life.
The aid consists in purchasing for each month/ 4 months, the basic food for about 200 families from the above-mentioned groups. During these months we try to visit these families in their homes and be closer to them, to give a shoulder, to share their burdens and also help them spiritually and psychologically. Another aim is to get to know their problems concretely, in order to create the necessary connections in finding ways and opportunities for them to come out of poverty. Identifying major issues that need immediate intervention is also one of our goals as we go where they live. The project is finalized with the Easter celebration, where all families are invited to attend a special festive event organized for them. The ability we have to help these families in this way is an excellent opportunity to encourage and heighten the hope of these people that with some little effort and the trust in God tomorrow will be better.