“We cannot do great things on this earth, only small things with great.”
Mother Teresa
We have started a marathon of love, a marathon that we do not consider as impossible to complete: the fight against blood feud, the reconciliation in between families and the defense of the human rights. We believe that bigger this army of love is, weaker will be the influence of blood feud, and greater will be the possibilities to change and to save the lives.
How to get involved:
With God we are stronger and we will win this race together.
Contact us to be informed.
Be a volunteer in the foundation. Frequently we organize various projects where people who are willing to help are mostly needed.
Contact us to be informed.
Share the mission and the vision of the foundation with the others: Speak about the mission and the vision of the foundation with the people around you, your church and your relatives.
You can financially support- All our activities rely on the gifts and the donations of our friends. The Government does not recognize the phenomenon of blood feud in order to have an easier way to be a member of the European Parliament. No other governmental instance, at any case, has never financially supported our activity. Every coin donated by you has a lot of value and it is meaningful for the continuity of our work.